Explore RegTech and Stay Ahead of the Regulatory Landscape
In the modern world, regulation in various sectors such as financial services, technology, and others, is constantly changing and becoming more complex. Studying RegTech helps companies maintain compliance with new rules and standards.
Stay agile, stay competitive: Invest in RegTech skills to stay agile and competitive in a fast-changing business landscape.
Test Your RegTech Knowledge
Learning RegTech becomes essential for any business aspiring to ensure efficient operations, enhance competitiveness, and succeed in an ever-changing regulatory landscape.
Why learning new technologies, especially RegTech, is important in the modern world?
Dynamic regulation
Effective response to changes
Risk and penalty reduction
Innovation and competitiveness
High-level security
Enhanced customer experience
FinTech Security and Regulation (RegTech)
This course covers:
- Understanding RegTech and its impact on the finance industry, including cryptocurrency regulations.
- Disruption and transformation caused by FinTech and RegTech in finance.
- Challenges in data protection and security using digital forensics.
- Risk management and corporate governance, focusing on KYC and AML in banking.
- Global government initiatives in FinTech and RegTech.

The Course Benefiting Diverse Audiences:
>> Financial industry professionals: Managers, analysts, consultants working in banking, insurance, investment funds, financial technology, etc. They will gain an understanding of how RegTech impacts regulations and ensures security in line with current standards.
>> Business executives: Entrepreneurs and CEOs who are interested in improving efficiency and compliance with regulatory requirements in their companies.
>> Information security professionals: IT experts responsible for data protection and cybersecurity in organizations.
>> Analysts and researchers: Individuals studying market trends, regulatory changes, and their implications on industries and companies.
>> Students: Those planning a career in the financial industry or technology sector and wishing to comprehend contemporary challenges and opportunities in these fields.

In this course, we believe in active learning. To enrich your understanding, carefully curated quizzes will challenge your knowledge and encourage critical thinking. Targeted assignments will provide you with hands-on experience, enabling you to apply your newfound expertise in real-world scenarios.
Modul 1
Introduction to FinTech & Security & Regulation
In this module, learners will examine the relationship between security and regulation as twin methodologies for managing and reducing risk in financial services. Issues explored will include "What is RegTech?", "What is InsurTech?", and how can we determine when regulation and security are enough or too much to achieve important social & business objectives.

Modul 2
Risk Management & Government Control
In this module, we explore some of the tools government use to regulate financial markets and discuss potential challenges for FinTech innovators in complying with these regulations. Some basic terms commonly used in finance such as AML & KYC are defined and described. We examine the role of different government agencies as well as alternative social objectives that influence the development of regulations over time.

Modul 3
Fraud, Crimes, & Security
In this module, we discuss the issues and challenges of preventing and detecting fraud and crime in financial markets. Topic discuss will include data theft and related security technologies, human challenges in implementing effective security, and electronic evidence & digital forensics issues. Recommendations for FinTech firms are provided to reduce risk of fraud and crime.

Modul 4
Global Trend & Government Initiatives in RegTech
In this module, learners will explore a variety of government initiatives related to FinTech & RegTech. Topics included open banking APIs in Europe, crypto-currency & ICO regulations, evolution of FinTech regulations in US & Europe, China regulations on FinTech, and regulatory issues in HK, Singapore & other jurisdictions.

Modul 5
Final Project
In this module, learners will complete a final project for the course involving research on regulatory decisions in multiple countries regarding a specific area of FinTech. Building on what they have discovered, learners will prepare a short video/written pitch recommending FinTech policies to a regulator in a smaller jurisdiction dealing with FinTech challenges and opportunities.

After completing this short course, you will:
>> Understand the relationship between security and regulation in financial services.
>> Define RegTech and InsurTech and their roles in finance.
>> Assess the balance between regulation, security, and social/business objectives.
>> Identify tools used by governments to regulate financial markets.
>> Recognize challenges for FinTech innovators in compliance.
>> Define basic finance terms like AML and KYC.
>> Understand fraud prevention and detection in financial markets.
>> Implement security technologies to reduce fraud risk.
>> Conduct research on regulatory decisions in FinTech.
>> Prepare recommendations for FinTech policies to regulators in smaller jurisdictions.
Dr. Theodore H. K. CLARK is the Associate Professor of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management Department (ISOM) of the Hong Kong University of Science Technology (HKUST). He has degrees in Engineering (BS), Law (JD), Business (Harvard MBA) and IS Management (Harvard DBA), and has taught multiple MBA and MSc ISM courses in the past at HKUST. Professor CLARK also has extensive consulting experience with McKinsey & Company, involving sourcing, strategy, and operations.

"This course is very helpful. It is provided fundamental knowledges on Fintech security and regulation, risk management and controls, fraud, cybersecurity, and also Global Trends and Government Initiatives in RegTech."
- Nguyen T T, July 2022

"The professor is very good at presenting the course, and offers a global view with happenings in several interesting countries. It is highly relevant and gives you all the basics. Keep in mind this is a beginner level course thus it is not very deep. If you are new to FinTech, the course is perfect. If you are experienced then the only take away is the insights from the discussions with industry experts."
- TTS, August 2021

"This has been one of the best online courses I have taken thus far! It has been extremely useful for me in widening my understanding of financial markets and a great introduction to cryptocurrencies which before hand I found very confusing. The tutor is very engaging and makes each topic very interesting creating a further incentive to do additional research based on the subjects discussed in the course!"
- Leo B, June 2020
390 €
including VAT
FinTech Security and Regulation (RegTech)
Learning format
The total volume of training: 17 academic hours, which consist of 17 hours of independent work (including work on homework). The training is designed for one week.
The course must be completed within one weeks.
Payment by invoice
Kindly provide your billing information in the comment field during registration. An invoice will be issued within 3 business days after registration for the training.
Before registering for the training, we kindly ask you to familiarize yourself with the curriculum of and terms of the training organization.
Ettevõtluskeskus OÜ is an authorized partner of Eesti Töötukassa, the Unemployment Office.
By registering for the course, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of use regarding the personal data provided to the Entrepreneurship Center (Ettevõtluskeskus OÜ).